
Exercise is an activities that helps to enhance and maintain the overall body and health of a person. People are doing different types of exercise to maintain their health and fitness.


Benefits of Exercise:

1. Exercise helps to control and loss extra weight

Regular exercise keeps your body maintain fit and healthy. Doing the exercise regularly helps to burn the calories of your body which leads to control the weight of the body or loss the extra weight of your body.

2. Exercise helps to improve stamina:

While doing the exercise on the regular bases, it will helps to improve your stamina. Your body will be healthier day by day which automatically increased the stamina.

3. Exercise helps to improve the mood:

A physical exercise can also helps to improve your mood. You may feel good and active all the day which can helps to increase your confidence and improve your mood.

4. Exercise helps to sleep better:

A healthy sleep need a better physical activities. Regular exercise helps you to bring the better sleep at night.

5. Exercise helps to build your body muscles and bones:

Regular exercise like gymnastics, running, push up, etc. can helps to improve your body and also helps to build the muscles and bones and make them strong as well.

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