What is Computer

Computer And Its Generations

In simple language, Computer is an electronic machine that takes data from users, process them and give information to the users about that data.

Computer are used in almost every industries in 21 century. Computer are basically used for every things like from calculating in excel to produce the advance scientific data, writing a contain in a word files to make a professional graphic designs.

“Charles Babbage” popularly known as the father of computer introduce first the concept of a programmable computer in early 19th century.

There are basically five definable generation of computer:

First generation (Vacuum tubes):

The first generation computers used vacuum tubes as a circuitry and magnetic drums for memory. These computer generated a lot of heat and need a huge amount of electricity to run it. First generation computer in based on machine language which is limited to solving the one problem at a time. The imput of the first generation computers are based on punched card and tape where output came out on a print outs. the first generation are used from 1940 to 1956.

Second generation (Transistors):

In the second generation computer, we see the replacement of vacuum tubes by the transistors. Transistor were used to store instructions into their memories. The early version of second generation computer were developed for the atomic energy industry and the storage of the second generation computer are more than first generation. It was run from 1956 to 1963.

Third generation (integrated circuits):

Semi conductor are used in third generation that help to increase the speed of computer. From the third generation, keyboard and monitors were used in a computer system. These generation computer run several tasks at once suing central programs. These generation computer are also being a cheaper , smaller in size and run fast as compared to the first and second generation computer system. These generation was run from 1964 to 1971.

Fourth generation (Microprocessors):

From the fourth generation, the microprocessors are used in all computer components that includes CPU, input/output onto a single chip. from these generation, the compuiter have been developed as a Graphical User Interface (GUI). The chip maker company Intel developed the intel 4004 chip in 1971, which helps to design the specifically designed for home computer. Formt hese generation, networks were developed and it birth the evolution the internet. It helps to increasing the number of everyday used of the computer which was run from 1972 to 2010.

Fifth Generation (Artificial Intelligence):

From the year 2010 we were using the fifth generation computer and the artificial intelligence are also still in developing process. From first generation to fifth generation, we can seen the vast difference in the computer system, where first generation compuer were operated in a Command User Interface and the fifth generation or current geneartion computer are operated in a Graphical User Interface. We can see different types of Ai was developed in the tech market which helps to different organization, industries also.

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