Essay on Water

What is WATER

Water is the type of liquid that are available in the natural form. It is a color less liquid that has no taste as well. The 70% of the world is covered with the water but we can not able to drink that water in a natural form because it contained different types of harmful minerals, bacteria and also chemicals.
Water is very important for all the living beings of the earth, from plants to animal and human beings. Without water we are not survive in the earth. Different living beings can used the water in different source like human beings and animals are used the rivers, lake, pond etc. for our survival where plants are used the underground water for their survival.
Water is very much important substance for the all living beings but we human beings are making the water resources polluted day by day which is very harmful for all the living beings in the earth.

Causes of water pollution:

1. Industrialization

Industrialization is the major way of polluting the water resources. From the industries, different harmful chemicals are produced that is directly mixed by the human beings to the water resources that makes the water pollution.

2. Unmanaged household wastes

From the household waste, the different types of the harmful chemicals are produced which are thrown in the rivers, lake etc. from the peoples are also make the water resource polluted.

3. Population growth

If the population are increased then, the people need more space for their shelter, which create the pollution in the environment directly or indirectly. It can also make the water resources polluted day by day.

4. Deforestation

Forest or trees are the major source of fresh water, where there are trees there are water, but the deforestation make the number of trees decreases that make the water supply of that area also decreases.

5. Sewage mixing

People are mixing the sewage waste to directly into the water resources like in river, lake, pond, etc that also make the water pollution day by day.

water conservation methods:

For the controlling of the water pollution, we should managed the industrialization and its waste. The industry should be established far away from the water resource and the waste from it should be managed without mixing into the water resources. Then the house hold waste should also be dumped into the proper place i.e. far away from the water resources and it should be managed by the local government. Then we should decrease the population growth by conducting different awarness programs that control the water scarcity also. And lastly, the deforestation should be stopped and the afforestation should be implemented by the all people.

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